What's it like?

“What’s it like being one of the Succubi?”

It’s an interesting question.

I certainly don’t fit in with the other Fallen in Toxia. I don’t think I’d fit well into the Shadows for example. They sneer and scoff at others, growling and gnashing their teeth. I think it would be hard to find friends that way… or prey.

I can walk around looking ALMOST fully human. I haven’t quite mastered getting my eyes back to a standard shade… or stopped them from glowing yet. I choose not to.

I don’t often take all the affectations of my fellow fallen… I don’t usually grow spikes out of my back, I don’t often allow my tongue to grow long and forked. I DO have wings, feathery black ones that I tie bows to. I DO have disturbing eyes… my irises are flickering flame or sometimes pulsing crystal (when I feel like looking closer to human). I have horns… but they’re not too large most of the time. My skin is like a human’s… most of the time (though I like to match it to my outfits). I lave a lizard’s tail but it’s cute and I tie a bow around it too. I look like a powderpuff next to the “scary, evil” brethren who walk the streets.

I sleep in a chandelier in the library. I like books, people and one very special android.

I guess I don't fit in as a demon... but I'm happy with my life in the library. It has afforded my friendship, protection and a veritable buffet of lusty librarians (even if I just keep going back for the same entre).


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